EMKA cover stay and door stop solution to wind and gravity problems

schedule28th Jun 19

EMKA are aware that the generic problem with many doors and access panels is often that they have a large surface area – easily caught by wind and able to generate a lot of force. This makes maintenance or installation/updates a difficult problem and potentially a painful one. Similar problems exist where a door/panel is opened against gravity or perhaps is in a position where passers-by may knock it closed.

In these situations, EMKA offer a program of cover stays and door stops in a variety of configurations including manually operated locking or self-operating as the panel is opened/closed. A simple stay may be a folding type or a sliding type door stop with a moving prop. Otherwise, telescopic types offer a longer mechanical prop and so spread the loads involved over a wider range. Button release or push-click operation is available.

Find out more about EMKA’s cover stays and door stops, or follow them on twitter - http://twitter.com/emkauk.

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